
Playstation 5 headset
Playstation 5 headset

It’s also a lot less convenient than just turning a physical dial on your headset. Presumably a menu within the PS5 dashboard would let you do that, but no one can be sure until reviewers get their chance to boot up the device for the first time.

playstation 5 headset

The the one thing you won’t be able to do is adjust your your mix between game and chat.” By just plugging in the USB and you’ll be able to get get your full audio from that. So the SteelSeries Pro Wireless will still work on the PS5. “We only have a single audio source, which will be from USB. “If we don’t have optical, obviously we don’t have a way to do that,” said Fallon. It’s also what allows you to balance the levels between those two different streams. That allows you to have digital surround sound and low-latency, high-fidelity voice chat coming through the same speakers. Manufacturers like Astro, SteelSeries, and others use that optical connection to split in-game audio off from voice chat. The new PS5 won’t feature an optical audio connection, commonly referred to as S/PDIF or Toslink. “On the PlayStation side,” Fallon said, “it’s a little bit of a mixed bag.” Beyond that, all the third-party manufacturers we talked to said things are still up in the air.

playstation 5 headset playstation 5 headset

Sony has also announced that “third-party headsets that connect via USB port or audio jack” will be compatible with the PS5. In addition, older peripherals like the Platinum and Gold wireless headsets will also be compatible. There’s a new Sony-branded set of headphones on the way with the PS5. PlayStation has its own wireless headphone technology, of course. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said of Sony and its PlayStation 5. No firmware updates needed, none of that. “That was amazing news to us, and to our customers. “We found out a couple months back that everything that we had was just going to work ,” Fallon continued. Kington’s HyperX Cloud Mix will work with both next-generation consoles, since it attaches via 3.5 mm audio jack into the controller. He said that Microsoft has so far been the most forthcoming. “Obviously we’ve been waiting with bated breath to figure out all the final details of everything,” Fallon told Polygon. SteelSeries’ Brian Fallon, senior product manager for audio, told a similar story. That’s because his company, like every other manufacturer we’ve spoken with, still hasn’t gotten final console hardware yet. “We’re dependent upon to kind of tell us that products are forward-compatible,” said John Moore, head of marketing and sales for growth peripherals at Razer, in an interview with Polygon last week. Turns out, things are still a little bit up in the air. But will your audio investment pay off with the next generation of consoles? We talked to four major manufacturers to get some answers. That means many consumers, myself included, have laid out some serious coin for new cans. Consumers have been able to move away from high-fidelity tuners and sprawling surround-sound speaker systems to relatively inexpensive and high-quality headphones. The last two console generations from Microsoft and Sony - spanning from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 all the way to the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X - have been transformative in terms of audio quality.

Playstation 5 headset